Metatron Hunter Can Be Helpful In Vascular Pathology Diagnosis
Today there is a world-wide tendency towards a steady rise in death rate caused by occlusive vascular diseases, especially by cerebrovascular disorders which are in the third place among death causes. This is due to a growing number of elderly and aged patients. From another point of view, many individuals even at 40 have atherosclerotic lesion of great head arteries and so need to be under clinical observation.
The most simple and at the same time informative method of noninvasive diagnosis of occlusive lesion of peripheral vessels appeared to be the Metatron Hunter, which has been in clinical practice just in recent years. Using this method, we can evaluate the condition of certain sections of great vessels in low extremities and that of brachiocephalic vessels.
It is possible to investigate not only the condition of vessels but also the condition of the valvular apparatus of deep veins. Metatron Hunter enables to assess the condition of the valvular apparatus of deep veins in low extremities on a noninvasive and objective basis which is very important for the surgery tactics to be chosen and can be used as an alternative to phlebography.