Biophilia Guardian Can Diagnosis Knee Joints and Gastric and Colonic Cancers
NLS device (such as Biophilia Guardian) can be considered as an adequate method for diagnosis gastric and colonic cancers. The difficulties in dealing with NLS interpretation largely concern the initial phases were the frequency of diseases detection depends in the long run on any focal changes in the mucosa in the case of chronic gastritis and on keeping the patient under dynamic observation on the given modes of elimination and NLS analysis involved. The submitted results allow to segregate two principal variants of the diseases diagnosis.
The result of diacrisis of gastric or colonic cancers indicate that for most patient the problem of early diagnosis can not be solved, not only because of certain organization factors but also and primarily because of the specific pattern of the disease process and its manifestation. However, the actual opportunities for improving the well-timed diseases diagnosis in practical public health conditions lie, primarily, in increasing the number of patients to be examined by means of the Biophilia Guardian NLS-method within the framework of health survey and also in a timely and complete examination of the patients who are suspected to have the disease.
According to the World Health Organization in developed countries pathology of musculoskeletal system ranks No. 2 among reasons of disablement for a period of less than two weeks, trailing only to respiratory diseases, but it takes the first place for periods of time above two weeks.We can diagnosis knee joints by using Biophilia Guardian with a feature of three-dimensional visualization of knee joint.
Three-dimensional non-linear scanning getting a special importance as highly-informative method of knee joint pathology diagnosing in comparison with CT and MRI, first of all owing to lesser cost of a study, at the same time diagnostic advantages of the latter are not so evident in this field. This fact is proven by growing application of NLS system in orthopedics.