The Acupuncture Can Help You Pain Relief
With the safety of pain relievers being questioned and one (Vioxx) being pulled from the market, a new study gives arthritis sufferers more reason to try acupuncture. One advantage of this type of treatment, says the NIH, is that the rates of side effects are substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions.
In what was hailed as "the largest, longest, and most rigorous study of acupuncture" ever conducted, acupuncture was found to reduce pain and improve function and movement among patients with osteoarthritis of the knee when used with other treatments.
That study paves the way for more and better research of acupuncture, Wayne tells WebMD. "This was a landmark study not only in its finding for osteoarthritis. It shows that if we put resources into a carefully designed trial, we're likely to see something definitive. We may be able to say with more certainty that other (applications of acupuncture) are effective."
At the same time the use of acupuncture pen lets you better use acupuncture.